Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Monday, July 2nd...Day 7:

The Day started with a wake up call at 6:55am ,but not from the hotel, from my friend Rachel who just found out that she's having a little GIRL!! Yeah, yeah, I wanted a boy, but I don't always get what i want...but the great thing is that she is healthy, has 10 fingers and toes and will not wear pink, but purple...well lavender-ish color. Yeah right Rach...the first girl ALWAYS gets pink...and dresses...and pigtails...never mind, I don't want to talk about it! But CONGRATULATIONS!! I really am happy for you!

Ok...back to Vacation photos. Monday we decided to go to Hollywood, we started with a mile walk to catch a bus that would take us to Hollywood Blvd. There you can see the "Walk of Fame"...Here is Bill Cosby's star (that one is for you Denis)

Then we saw the Kodak Theatre where a lot of the award shows take place...

Along the way we met Elvis! A big, fat, sweaty Elvis...he's ALIVE!

Then to Mann's Chinese Theatre where hand prints, footprints and signatures of many famous stars are set in cement.

A view from the Kodak Plaza was perfect for seeing the HOLLYWOOD sign:

We had reservations at "The Ivy" which is a restaurant that is known for having celebrities come and dine all the time..so we were hoping to find someone famous. Erin said she saw Randy Spelling (Son of Aaron Spelling), but I couldn't see him from where we were sitting so i can't confirm it!

After lunch we booked a star tour from a stretch Hummer Limo...nice!

We saw a lot of stars past and present homes, some fences in front of famous people's homes, and places where people either died or had car accidents...this shot below is the corner where Linsay Lohan wrecked her car...

We were also taken to Rodeo Drive to walk around and do some window shopping, but still no celebrities!

By the time we got back to the hotel we were starving, having walked another 2-3 miles at least! So Molly came and picked us up and we went to In-and-Out Burger...a great South West Burger Joint! mmmmmmmmmmm doesn't it look tasty? This was also a great meal because it was the first one under $5 this whole trip!!!

After dinner we went to Santa Monica to 3rd Street & Promenade to walk around, do some shopping, hit the beach and walked the pier, it kind of had a smaller scale version of Cony Island or something...

Tuesday is our last full day in LA, and we're going to Universal Studios and then having a really nice dinner...so we'll see what or who turns up then!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Jaime,
I was interested in reading your blog.
You made me remember all fascinating moments which I had during my trip to City of Angels.
Pictures are awesome!! I had the same route like you, and we also booked a star tour on a huge Hummer limo.
Los Angeles is one of the world's most prominent centers of culture, technology, and international trade. It is home to world-renowned institutions covering a broad range of professional and cultural fields.