Monday, June 19, 2006

Did someone say Road Trip!?!?

Here are some pictures of Missy's wedding in Vermont, and also the infamous road trip!

Don't we look HOT!?! Oh and I think Rachel forgot to mention that she left her dress in Allegany, so that is Becca's top, a sweater we bought for her THAT day, and her dress khakis...Becca is sporting her new black suit that she also bought THAT day because Rachel was wearing the outfit Becca brought, and I am wearing all my own cute stuff...too bad you can't see my shoes, they TOTALLY bring the outfit together! Not bad for dressing up for a whole 30 minutes!

This is Becca giving me her happy face and her "I feel horrible that Rachel is sick, but it's not going to ruin my attitude that Missy is getting married and I'm so happy we're in Vermont! Oh yeah...and don't I look HOT in my new black suit?"

Here's Rachel, the first one to get ready, sitting patiently waiting for Becca and I to finish getting ready so we can get her some hot tea!...What a trooper! Rachel, you totally deserve so much more credit than what Mike gives you and I think I have a new found respect for you to!...And PS...I washed my sweatpants this weekend, so we're all good!

Now here are some Ceremony Pics...not too many because even though we were in the front, all we saw was Jim's Back...nice looking back though!

There are definately many more pictures to be posted...but they won't all fit on this blog...Hopefully i'll load them on to a photo site soon and give you the link. Can i just tell you that there is about 30 pictures in succession of me trying to get a shot of Rachel's breath because it was SOOOOOO STINKIN COLD!!! Make sure you run though them in a fast slide's like you're watching a movie!

And speaking of movie, the Roadtrip 2006 video will be on sale for $99.99 or 3 easy payments of $33.33. Leave a comment on my blog if you want a copy! Supplies are limited so get yours today!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

that video will be viewed by NO ONE outside the circle of trust...i.e. family, husbands, and select friends. That video will NOT make it's rounds at Circle C!!!! For all the is pure and holy, no one there can see it! :-)