Wednesday, November 30, 2005


It's been quite an exciting week, Thanksgiving came and went along with Family and traditions, new and old.

Every year we go and cut down our own Christmas tree, and Grandmas too. Every year is something new and challenging whether it's pouring rain, inches of snow, or the sheer size of the tree we decide is the perfect one for us.

This year was no exception, the first one in the lot had our name written all over it. After shaking the snow off the branches to see what was underneath, we mentally "tagged" it and moved on to see if any more were as pleasing. None were so we cut it down before someone else had the Snyder tree in their Family room. Trees always have a funny way of growing as soon as their cut and put into the back of the truck, and this is one king of trickery. This thing is HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGEEEEE!
The width of the base is about 5'7'', and it's got to stand at least 11' high. I can't wait to put it up!
Good thing we went with white lights on the outside of the house this year, becuase we're going to need all the colored lights we can get!

Well everyone, I leave for Disney World tomorrow and i'm super duper excited. It's going to cost a little more than expected, but it's either "go big or go home", and how many other times will I be able to sit with Sigrid Maerz, talk about Jesus, witness the Walt Disney World Christmas Day Parade, and tan in December??? For great friends and Mickey, money is no object! I'm sure i'll have quite the blog come Tuesday!

I'm outie!


Rachel said...

I CANNOT believe how huge that tree is!!!! is it going to fit? How in the world did you get that thing home!?

Can't wait to see it all decorated!
Luv you

becca said...

i can't wait to see it decorated either!!! that sucker is ginormous...or however you spell know me and spelling. have a great trip, call us from sunny FL. i will be with rach all weekend singing my heart out learning from the best...denis of course!