Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Don’t Ever Change

"God, who is enthroned from of old, who does not change— he will hear them and humble them, because they have no fear of God." –Psalm 55:19

I used to hate change.  I forever felt like I always had to adapt to other peoples changes, and that I never had a choice in the matter.  I used to gain confidence when people told me “don’t ever change.”  It’s a compliment, right?  And for me, I would take it as a compliment, but also as a challenge…people liked me for who I was and counted on me to be a rock, to be the same as things in their life hit their highs and lows, the constant in other peoples ever changing lives.

Although at the time I took it as a compliment, I recently realized that I also internalized it and really resisted change.  I get that when people say “don’t ever change” they usually mean change in a bad way…but what if that hinders you from changing in a good way?

I have finally realized that change doesn’t always have to be so bad, and to stay stagnate is worse.  Recently I have been changing, little by little, in a good way…with God’s grace and some honest, truthful, challenging conversations from some fantastic friends, friends that the Lord placed in my life.   And looking back I can see how it all played out and how it contributed to where I’m at right now.

The truth is that we all need to change, we need to change for the better.  But we need to keep in mind the reason for changing.  To become more like Christ and to bring more glory back to Him, the One that is perfect, the One who has stayed the same throughout the ages.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." –James 1:17

1 comment:

Laura Lombardo Lewis said...

LOVE IT!!! LOVELOVELOVE! Thank you for blessing my life with all you are becoming...daily!