Friday, January 26, 2007


So have you ever seen the commercial for....well I don't know what the commercial is for, but all I do know is that the actors, or cartoons look somewhat real, but somewhat fake. It kind of freaks me out and I try to figure out how they do that...

So in my inbox the other day I get this tip sheet for photography and photograph editing. In it there is a tutorial for Adobe Illustrator, a computer program that I have on my computer. Now Adobe Illustrator is this amazing creation program and I'm teaching myself how to use it, but apparently only scratching the surface.

So in this tutorial it shows how to do this "cartoon" appearance while tracing photographs, so I jump on the computer and put my skills to the test.

The first cartoon I did was of my friend Sigrid...
It came out ok, but i hadn't quite grasped the shading and hair part of it yet.

Next was a very intimidating self portrait...
I like this one because i can hide all the zits on my face! And I can make myself as tan as I want!

And the last one I've been working on is a double feature of my best friends at a wedding in Vermont. It's one of my favorite pictures of them...and I think it came out really well!!!
So this is my new hobby...if you would like me to create one for you send me a picture and a check for $25!!

I'll be honing my skills on family members for free!

Peace OUT!

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